Days Between First/Second Attendance

Leah.Davenport • April 14, 2011

Sandy at Cottonwood Creek was trying to use QueryBuilder to ask the question "How long is it taking people to get plugged in to our church after they first attended." We could not come up with a way to do this with any of our existing conditions in QueryBuilder. So we added a new condition. In fact this is how every single condition got into QueryBuilder was through a similar process of asking and needing to provide an answer.

So there is a new QueryBuilder condition called "Days Between First/Second Attend". You find it on the Attendance Tab at the bottom.

Note, that the first attendance is of a type of New Visitor in any organization. This is the first time they stepped into the Church for any event. I would expect that almost 100% of the time that will be Worship but it really doesn't matter. This is measuring how quickly people are being assimilated into your main fellowship groups.

It looks like this:

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