A Couple of New Transactions Features

Leah.Davenport • July 7, 2012

Those users with Finance or Manage Transactions role will be pleased to note that we have added a couple of additional features to the Transactions Log .

You can now Filter by the ID # (the BVCMS system-generated #) or by the Transaction ID (from Sage or Authorize.net). Just enter that number in the Name field and click Filter . This is really helpful when you are asked to check on a transaction (or issue a Credit or Void it altogether) and are given one of those numbers and don't know the exact name of the person who made the transaction (it might have been a grandmother of the person registering) or the date it was made. Thanks Martha for proposing this feature!

Another nice feature is the ability to hover over the ID # (the far left column) and view a tooltip with additional information about the transaction. That is not new, but we have taken that one step further. You can click on the ID # to filter for all the transactions that are associated with that ID . Some ID #s will have only a single transaction associated with it. However, it you have registrations in which the participants pay a deposit and then make subsequent payments, you will have multiple transactions. This also lets you see if there are any credits associated with that ID.

There is more help about Transactions here.



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