Incomplete Tasks Visible on Gitemth Tab

Leah.Davenport • September 16, 2012

As promised, we have added one more new feature relating to tracking Tasks and Contacts . We already had a Query Builder Condition ( Has Incomplete Task ) that finds people who have been assigned a Task, but have not yet completed it. We have now gone one step further and added a person's incomplete Tasks on his own people record . This allows a user (who may not be assigning the Tasks himself) to provide oversight of the process.

If you run the aforementioned query and check the Toggle Link Target , you can easily move back and forth from your query to the people records of those in the results, looking to see how many Tasks assigned to that person (as well as which specific Tasks ) are still incomplete . Of course, you can also go straight to a person's record to find out if they have any incomplete Tasks.

Where do they display? Glad you asked. Tasks that are incomplete will display on the people record of the person who was assigned the Task (the Delegate). They appear on the Gitemth-Contacts tab , on the Contacts Given side, just above the list of Contacts this person has made. Once the Task is completed, it no longer displays.

If you remember, you have always been able to see incomplete Tasks on the people record for the person who the Task is about; that is, the person who needs to be contacted. We have just given you the other side of the coin.

Because a Task is only seen in full by the two people involved - the Owner of the Task (the person who created it); and the Delegate (the person assigned to complete the Task), this new feature should prove to be very helpful.

While this does not give you access to the Task details (unless you are the Owner), it does allow you to follow up with those who have been assigned a Task by someone else to insure that the Task gets completed.

If there is no oversight, your prospects or absent members may fall through the cracks. Please don't let that happen! Use the tools provided. They are there to help you minister effectively and efficiently.


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