Online Registration: Checkbox Headers

Leah.Davenport • October 19, 2012

That blog post title just does not do justice to this really cool new feature! It needs flashing lights and sirens. Let me tell you the scenario that brought about our creating this new option for online registrations.

I was assisting one of our ministers in setting up an online registration for an upcoming event in which he needed to solicit volunteers. There needed to be quite a few options from which to choose as well as the day and time on which to serve. This presented a challenge because there were so many options.

We were able to create 3 separate organizations in which to register the volunteers, based on whether they wanted to volunteer before, during or after (as a followup to) the event. But we still had a very long list of options with a lot of information necessary for each one.

This is how the concept of a header for checkboxes came about. By adding the ability to group sets of checkboxes together under a header, I was able to reduce the amount of text needed for each option, making for a much neater presentation.

A picture is, indeed, worth more than my explanation. See below for how a portion of the registration form looked after I was able to add headers.

Is it just me or do you hear angels singing the  Hallelujah Chorus ? I truly love this new option. Oh, I suppose now you want to know how you, too, can create these headers.  Read more.













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