We are abandoning our test of UserVoice for now. Although it showed some early promise, it did not have everything we needed to fit the way we work. First, it did not have an iPhone interface for us to use when we are away from our computer (we do have a life you know :-) And the web site was unusable on a mobile device. Secondly, since all of us do support, we "call dibs" when answering a request by sending a quick email to the others letting them know one of us has "got it". So, we expected to be notified by UserVoice when ever any other support person was answering a request but it does not do this. It is more of a dispatcher oriented system, instead of decentralized like us. So, it is back to what has been working for us from day one--mail combined with a group email service from Google.
We are probably going to be looking at building a form from within the application that you will be able to use for support. We hope to be able to use Google search behind the scenes which will automatically give you a list of help articles from our documentation that might answer your question. That would help you get the answer quickly and help us be more efficient in our support for you. Of course, if the search does not turn up an article that does the trick for you, then you'll just send the support request. This is the best of both worlds I think. Hopefully, we will get something like that working in the next few months. Stay tuned…
By the way, it really helps us if you use the Help > Email Support from the menu. This tells us who you are and what church (database) you are with. we know some of you by name quite well, but honestly we have over 200 churches and thousands of users and we forget. If you need to just send an email directly, then please give us the name of your church (the part of the church.bvcms.com that distinguishes your church for us.) Thanks for your help with that.
Blessings and thank you for using BVCMS.