Tasks and Contacts: Did You Know...?

Leah.Davenport • March 25, 2014

Did you know that. . .

The new user interface (the new look) has a separate tab just for Tasks About and another one for Tasks Assigned . They are tucked under the Ministry tab.

Tasks About:

Just as the name implies, these are t asks that are about the person whose record you are viewing . If there are any tasks that are incomplete, they display at the top of the list with Incomplete in the Completed column. The completed tasks will have the completed date in that column.

Tasks Assigned:

These are tasks that have been assigned to the person you are viewing . On this tab, the incomplete tasks also display at the top.

On both tabs, the names in the Minister and About columns are links to that person’s people record . The Description is a link to the actual tasks, but only if you are the Owner or the Delegate.

If you are interested in  tracking Tasks , take a look at this help article -  Tracking Tasks and Contacts.

Random Stuff:

Tasks were one of the first features that we added into BVCMS. It was actually added during the first couple of months after going live! So, it stands to reason that it is due for a bit of a tuneup. So, rewriting tasks is on our todo list .

We also have on our list to beef up the iPhone / Android app - in other words, add more functions to the app. Some of these functions will be related to tasks and contacts. Many of you have asked about assigning and completing tasks as well as entering the results of a ministry contact right on your phone using the app. That is coming!

Please be patient as we are a small company with, not only a very big product, but big ideas as well.

By the way, if you are using the old user interface, you will have noticed a message in bright yellow at the top of the screen letting you know that the old look is no longer being supported. So, if you haven’t already, you will want to start using the new look now. It’s not just a pretty face; It has a lot more features, too!

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