Feature for Re-Sending an Email to a New Group

Leah.Davenport • May 28, 2014

Do you ever need to send a previously sent email to a different group of recipients , but you did not save it as a draft? Sometimes, it might just need to go to one or two more people, other times, to another larger group. Regardless of how many need to receive the email, you want them to receive the same nice-looking email you composed originally.

We have the solution for you! It revolves around a little  link on the  Email Details page that you may have overlooked  - Email Content: View HTML Source .

Using this little link (and copying and pasting) has saved me so much time by giving me a very simple way to take a nicely-done email and send it to another group of people, without losing any of the formatting . Check it out! You may find this helpful, too.

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