New Email Replacement Codes

Leah.Davenport • June 8, 2014

We just added 3 new replacement codes that can be used in emails sent from search builder. They are as follows:




In each of these, you would replace divid with the ID # for the Division .

One use case would be for Vacation Bible School. You build a search to find everyone who is enrolled in the same Program and Division (but in different classes), and then send an email to everyone giving them the name of the organization name (class), the leader , and/or the location of the organization in which they are enrolled. Of course, if you move people into classes using Org Members Management, there is a feature there for you to send a system-built email with all of that information.

However, you may not want to include all 3 items. So, this is a perfect solution. Also, even if you have already sent the email room notices, these new codes allow you to send one reminder to everyone that will give them their individual room information. NOTE: Be sure everyone is enrolled in only one class within that Program and Division.

Learn more...see section entitled Replacements for Members of a Division

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