Family Picture Directory - New Feature

Leah.Davenport • January 13, 2015

It's here - the new Family Picture Directory! Just find the group for which you want a directory (an Organization, Tag, or Search Builder results), and select the option from the Toolbar . That's how easy it is! There is no formatting necessary. The directory will open in Word with all Primary Adults and Children listed within each family.

If your church is like mine, many of your members are uploading their own family photos to their records. You can actually run a search to find out how many people have a family photo in your database. That condition is on the Family tab in Search Builder.

Along with this new directory, you can use a  Family Extra Value called   FamilyName  if you need to specify how a family's name will display. For example - if the husband and wife have different last names, you might not want the label to use the default and read The   John Jones Family.  You might prefer John Jones and Mary Williams Family .

By the way, if children have different last names from the parents, both their first and last names will display.

Thank you to Bobby Morgan at San Jose Church of Christ in Pensacola, FL , for taking the time to lay this out for us.

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