Option for Inreach / Outreach Reports

Leah.Davenport • January 29, 2015

This is a very cool feature that has actually been out there for a while, we are just now getting around to creating the help article and blogging about it. This feature lets you include certain Standard Extra Values on the Inreach / Outreach Report. These are in addition to the ones that currently display; those on a person's Entry tab.

The feature works by using Extra Values and a Setting named EvCommentFields . You decide which Extra Values (Individual and/or Family) you would like to include on your church's report. They must be either Text (single-line) or Text2 (multi-line), and the name must be listed with that Setting.

This is designed to be helpful when people are making Contacts - either visits or phone calls - and are using the printed reports, such as a church-wide visitation night. So, you would want to select those Extra Values (or create new ones) that contain information specifically related to reaching out to that person / family.

You might want to create a couple of Extra Values for notes, naming them Note1 and Note2. These would be where you could enter information to help someone when they are trying to reach out to that family. For example: Directions about finding their house. Or information about when the person works and would be home for a visit.

Don't forget to record the results of your contacts in your database to help the next person reaching out to that family.

UPDATE 1/30/15 10:40 AM : The previous version of this post had the incorrect name for the Setting. Please see revised help article. The setting name is EvCommentFields .

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