Search Builder Condition - Recently Changed Records

Leah.Davenport • July 17, 2015

Tips I was asked today if I could search for staff members in our database that have recently changed their addresses. Our payroll manager wanted to verify that our payroll software had correct, up-to-date addresses for everyone.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I had totally forgotten about a Search Builder Condition that we added a while back. But knowing the we have just about everything under the sun in Search Builder, that's the first place I looked. I was so pleased to find exactly the Condition we needed. I created a simple search and found all staff members whose addresses had changed in the past 30 days.

The Condition is on the Admin tab and is named Recent Changed Record . Enter the number of days that you want to look back and enter part or all of a field that would be on an individual's people record.

You might want to search for church members or life group members whose Resident Code has changed in the past 60 days to find people that might have moved out of town. By combining this Condition with other Conditions, you can do just that. Don't be afraid to try it.

This is a handy tool for finding people whose records have been changed recently - not just addresses, but other fields on an individual's record. Check it out!

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