Lay Leaders - Updated Videos

Leah.Davenport • September 29, 2015

If a picture is better than words, than a video should be even better. And if one is good, three must be really good. So, without further ado, I present to you 3 new videos hot off the press for lay leaders, using the latest user interface and features (replacing the 'brand new' videos we did last year.).

Lay Leader 101 - This shows how to set your password when you are sent the New User Welcome, how to find your record, how to find your class. This is just the basics.


Lay Leader 201 - Learn how to generate and email a class directory and how to insert an image in an email. Also, see how to filter for sub-groups in your organization.


Lay Leader 301 - Learn how to communicate with your absent members and recent guests, using Convert to Search from a Meeting. Also featured is the Email Attendance Notice, which is a great tool for Lay Leaders. We even show you how to filter for one or more sub-groups and select random class members to email using checkboxes.


If you are not a lay leader yourself, but have leaders working with you, please communicate this to them and get them set up with their own OrgLeadersOnly user accounts.

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