Seek and Ye Shall Find...Help, That Is!

Leah.Davenport • October 15, 2015

I wish I could see a show of hands - How many of you ever go directly to the Documentation Website ? I suspect many of you don't realize how this site is laid out and how you can find what you need if your search just doesn't do it.

When you click ? Help, you have the option to search using Google search , but you also have the option to go directly to the Documentation Website .

If you go directly to the website for our documentation, you have a number of ways to find the help you need, if your search did not find what you want.


Documentation Home Page Our help articles are sorted into categories . The Contents page (home page), has those 15 categories listed , each with a brief description and a link to the table of contents  for that category. The table of contents for each category has divisions to further help you find what you need. So, if you know you need help with contributions, select Finance. If you want help with individual or family records, select People.


Documentation Index Our documentation site has an Index of key words / concepts . This is an alphabetical list; and each item is a link to its definition, which is inside a help article. That article will, of course, have explanations about usage. We are continuing to add more items to the Index.


Documentation Recently Updated The site also has a list of Recently Updated Articles . If you are performing a task and something seems different, perhaps we have made an enhancement. You could check to see if there is an article about that which was recently updated. The most recently updated articles are at the top of the list.

A note about updates: Since we moved our documentation to the new site, we have been diligently working to update all the articles to fit with the new format and to correct any that are out-dated. We have made tons of changes to TouchPoint, not the least of which is the new UX. So we are still hard at work updating articles. Therefore, you may see a lot of recently update articles due to that fact.

Read more about Help Documentation .

Read more about Contacting Support .

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