Normally, a user creates a Task about someone and delegates it to someone else. However, TouchPoint has the means for the Task creator to transfer
the Task instead of delegate it
This is what I refer to as a tiered approach. One person is responsible for creating a Task about every new guest. However, instead of delegating the Task to a minister or lay leader, that person transfers it to a staff member/minister in the correct age-level Ministry. Then the new owner of the Task will delegate it to the person they want to make the contact and complete the Task. Frequently, this is a minister creating the Task and transferring it to another minister, who then delegates it to a lay leader, perhaps a Life Group teacher.
Why do it this way? A guest would probably much rather receive a contact from a teacher (or a leader in the class) who can invite them to visit his class and make arrangements to meet the guest and walk them to the classroom, than from a minister who would just recommend a class. That type of contact is on a more personal level.
It is very simple to transfer the Task as you are creating it, because that option is under Actions, which is the same place you find Delegate This Task.
By the way, the creator of the Task can still access the details of the Task even after Transferring ownership. They are basically still in the loop. They do not receive notifications when those Tasks have bene accepted and completed, but they can run saved searches to find incomplete Tasks, etc. or look on an individual's record to find the status of a Task.
PS Don't forget that you can now accept and complete Tasks using the new TouchPoint Mobile app . Check it out !