Most churches have probably already mailed the year-end contribution statements for 2015. However, even if you have, we want you to know about a change that we made recently. Then you will be prepared for the 1st quarter statements!
The statements are the same, and you still go to the same place to generate the statements: Administration > Contribution > Statements (Create All). You also still have the same options as before for sorting and excluding Electronic Only donors.
The change is that once you click Run and the statements begin generating, what you see on the page is different. Also, you can close your bitemser and return to the same page as before and select a new button for " Previously Run Sets ". This will return you to the page showing the progress. This is also where you will find the links for the PDF files.
This little 2-minute video will show you how to start the process, leave and return and then show you what the final page looks like once all sets have been completed.