We now have another option for online giving. It is One Page Giving
. It works like the normal Special Giving, in that you have an organization with one Fund ID associated with it. However, now there are 2 links presented when you click Try Registration. One is the normal link and the other one takes you to the One Time Giving page.
If you select the later, a donor still has the option to Log In and give. However, anyone that needs to find their record or create one will have everything presented right there on the same page.
This is a great feature to use especially if you expect donations from those not in your database. It is a very simple form that removes any barriers they might feel with normal online giving. There are some factors to consider. In order to make this so streamlined and attractive to donors who do not already have a user account, any new records will be created without a Gender, DOB, or Marital Status. Those are not asked for on the one page giving form.
Take a look at a short demonstration.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbsp3dszR_A?rel=0&w=420&h=315]
Thank you, Redeemer, for sponsoring this project!