Create Sub-Groups Using Batch Process

Leah.Davenport • July 6, 2016

New ImageHere was the issue: We want to track the Bible Memory Club progress for our children enrolled in Life Groups from 4 yr olds to 3rd grade. We determined that we could do that using sub-groups . But that left us needing to create 12 or more sub-groups in more than 30 organizations . Not difficult, just time-consuming. Not anymore!

You can now use the Excel spreadsheet that you export from TouchPoint to enter the names of the sub-groups (separated by commas) into a new column that you add to the spreadsheet. Then just import it using the Batch Update Organization Settings . Voila! Each org listed will now have all of those new sub-groups added.

Pretty easy, huh? I thought so. This is a great new feature when you need multiple organizations to have the same sub-groups - whatever the reason or type of sub-group.

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