Check-In Issue on iPads/Androids

Leah.Davenport • August 24, 2016

UPDATE: The latest version of the Check-In app which corrects the issues mentioned below is now in the App Store as of 8/26/16.

If you have tried using the new Check-In app and you had problems, it was probably related to a bug we found that relates to Campuses or another one relating to printing labels for a person without a date of birth on their record. Some churches have experienced a problem while others have not. Even churches without any campuses may have had issues that were caused by one of these bugs.

Even though not every church was affected - some churches used the app and everything was just fine - we wanted to express a public mea culpa and not just email those that reported a problem.

We have published a fix, and the update for the Android is already in Google Play. It is v 1.0.4 . The update will appear in the App Store in the next couple of days. The new iPad version will be v. 2.0.2. 

Please accept our apology for the inconvenience. Also, we recommend that you turn on automatic updates for the app so that you don't miss anything!

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