New Task Search/Manage Page and New ManageTasks Role

Leah.Davenport • November 22, 2016

2016-10-23_20-44-04Similar to the existing Contact Search page, we now have a new Task Search page that has a lot of filtering and features that will greatly improve the job of managing Tasks. This was designed for ministers or other staff to have the new role ManageTasks , so they can easily filter by the Task Name, any of the people connected to the Task, date ranges, and more. However, this is the same page everyone will use when managing their own Tasks. The only difference is that most users will see only their own Tasks.

You access this new page the same way you did the old Task List. Just click My Tasks or go to People > Manage People > Tasks in the header.

Whether you are managing your own Tasks or if you have the new ManageTasks role and oversee the Tasks assigned to others, this will make your life easier. There is too much to say about this page to fit in a blog post, so you will want to read more about this .

Remember, a big part of this new search/manage page is the new user role. Instead of using Search Builder to find incomplete Tasks, whoever you assign the role  ManageTasks , can now perform that job right there on the search page.

We want to thank our friends at Redeemer Presbyterian in NY, NY, for sponsoring this project.

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