New Bundle Report Recipe

Leah.Davenport • March 15, 2017

2016-10-14_18-15-16It seems we have been blogging about new features for finance users a lot lately. Sometimes that is just the way it goes. This post is about another feature for finance users - a Bundle Report.

If you like to keep track of cash and check sub-totals by donor using a printed report, we have a recipe for you. This report will put a summary at the top of the report, then a list of donors below. The list will display the cash donations first followed by a sub-total and then the list of check donations also followed by a sub-total. After that is a grand total. Because this was designed to be printed, we also included a signature line where your counters can sign off on the bundle.

This report is probably more suited for smaller churches with one or two bundles per day. It is a per bundle report. If you want a report of your total bundles for the day with a cash/check breakdown per bundle (without the details), you will use the Deposit Report.

If this seems like something you would want, check out the recipe! It's as easy as copy and paste. Then, voila - you have your report link displaying on the bundle page ready for you to click on it and then print from your bitemser.

Thank you to First Baptist Church, Springfield, LA for sponsoring this project.

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