Prepare for Vacation Bible School Now

Leah.Davenport • March 23, 2017

TipsMost churches have some type of Vacation Bible School during the Summer. Some have it at night, while other have it during the day. Some make it a family affair and offer supper prior to the classes, while other churches have VBS at various homes instead of at the church. Whatever type of VBS you will have, I'm sure you are already planning for it.

This post is to remind you of a few tips for making this easier for both the families and the church staff. Remember, tracking enrollment and attendance in VBS for your guests and members helps you minister better to the whole family. Use that data for that 3rd bullet point!

Praying you all have a safe, happy, wonderful VBS and touch the lives of many children and their families with the love of God. That's what it is all about (apologies to the Hokey-Pokey).

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