The next time you generate a roll sheet for either one class or a group of classes, you will have the option to print the roll sheet in the normal PDF version , which is the default, or you can elect to Use Word . Just check the box before clicking Create if you prefer Word (or whatever word processing program on your computer).
Why did we make this change? There are a couple of reasons. The main one is so our Chinese churches can use the Alternate Names on the roll sheets and have the Chinese characters print correctly . This just does not work right with the PDF version. So, if you are using the Alternate Names on roll sheets, be sure to check Use Word.
Secondary reasons are that the Word version is going to give us much more flexibility. We already have plans in the future to create a roll sheet template that will allow churches to design their own roll sheets. So, making this move to allow printing in Word is a very positive thing. Watch this blog post for more about this roll sheet template sometime in the next few months or so.