This is a terrific new feature, especially for lay leaders. Before generating the Recent Absents R
eport for an organization
, you can filter for a sub-group
. Then the report will contain only those within that group with consecutive absences. This is so much easier than having to look through the entire class if you are a group leader and are responsible for just one group.
Remember, we also have a Recent Absents Report 2 for those of you that track individual attendance in your worship service . When you put the org ID# of your worship org in the Settings, you will get an extra link at the top of the Recent Absents report that takes you to the same type of report, but for the worship org. We blogged about this and another worship report back in 2014. Click here for that post. This new sub-group filter option will maintain that same filter when you move to the worship report.
Thank you to 2nd Presbyterian Church in Memphis for sponsoring this project!
Read more...about the Recent Absents Report
Read more...about the Recent Absents Report 2
PS Don't assume your lay leaders subscribe to this blog... let them know about this new feature!