Revised SQL Script to include Main Fellowship Stats

Leah.Davenport • October 9, 2017

I recently blogged about a new SQL Recipe named Org Search Member Stats  that displays attendance stats for individuals in a filtered list of orgs. Not long after that post, we discovered a need for that same report, but with more information - stats about the individual's Main Fellowship Class . Being good stewards, we took that existing recipe and added to it. It's kind of like realizing a cake needs icing...and adding a recipe for the icing. That's what we did! Main Fellowship Stats is the icing on the existing Member Stats Report. We also added the Org Enrollment Date for the filter org, too.

The reason I like this revision so much is that it gives you an opportunity to evaluate members of one type of programming, such as a Women's Ministry class, and view the members' attendance in their Main Fellowship Class...all in one nice report. Of course, the most convenient aspect of this report is that you run it from Organization > Search . That means you can filter for an entire Program and Division to view attendance for all the current members in those orgs. That's pretty sweet!

Our church needed it for our DiscipleShip > DiscipleMakers Program and Division, which contains over one hundred small orgs. What a convenient way for a minister to oversee those orgs and see if those being discipled are attending a Main Fellowship Class!

PS If you copied the script we featured in the previous blog post and you like this new revision, no problem! Click the link below, copy the new, revised script, and paste it into your database to replace the existing script. If you are using the older version and like it, no problem either! Just leave it as it is in your database.

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