Settings for Hiding DOB/Age for Specific User Role

Leah.Davenport • November 13, 2017

Some of you have expressed an interest in hiding the birth year and age of adults from lay leaders, i.e. those with the user role OrgLeadersOnly. We just created 2 new Settings that will allow you to do this on your database if you like.

  • NoBirthYearRole - If you add this Setting, you will specify a user role, such as OrgLeadersOnly . You can specify any user role, but remember that your staff should be able to see the complete DOB in order to validate records and prevent duplicates. When using this Setting, the default is to display the birth year and age for those 18 and under, but not for those that are over 18 . If you want to change that age, you can use the Setting below in conjunction with this one.
  • NoBirthYearOverAge - Enter an age either less than or greater than 18 to display birth year and age for anyone that age and under. Remember, you must also use the previous Setting NoBirthYearRole if you want to use this one.

Thank you, Rutgers Community Christian Church in New Jersey for sponsoring this project.

Read more...about these and other Settings.

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