Some of you may be using the original Bundle Report that gives you a breakdown by Cash, Check, Coin and then displays the details also separated by those categories. The link to the report displays on the blue banner when viewing an individual Bundle.
Now we have a newer Bundle Report that we are calling...wait for it... Bundle Report2. We are nothing if not creative! That's what we named the Python script, but Bundle Report2 displays in the same location as the original one using the name Bundle Report .
This new report provides a header with the Church Name, Bundle ID# , Deposit Date , and Bundle Type . Beneath the header is a list with each contribution grouped by Fund, with a sub-total for each Fund, and a grand total for the entire Bundle. Each item contains the donor's name , Fund Name , Contribution Date , General Ledger account number , and the Total .
So, you decide. Which of these reports, if any, do you want in your database?
Did I mention that this is a Python script? We have the recipe for you to copy and paste into your database - easy peasy!
Read more...about Bundle Report2
Read more...about Bundle Report