New Org Extra Value - You Must Agree Statement

Leah.Davenport • May 14, 2018

Online registrations are probably the most used feature in TouchPoint. Churches use registrations for everything from VBS to Soccer to Bible Study to Volunteers...and much more. One of the options you can include is an 'agree to terms' checkbox and the text of the Terms to which you expect them to adhere. If you add Terms, the registrant must check the box agreeing to them in order to complete and confirm his registration.

You create the Terms on the Messages tab for the registration, and we have a default statement that displays near the checkbox. The new feature we created recently is the ability to customize that message by adding a special  Extra Value to the organization and entering whatever text you want to display.

The default statement is this: "You must agree to the terms above for you or your minor child before you can continue with confirmation.” For a registration that is for children's camps, you might want it to read "By checking this box you are agreeing to abide by the Terms below as they apply to your child during camp."

Because this is an Extra Value you add directly to the registration organization, you can make the statement different for every registration if you want. You can also add some specific html code if you do not want this statement to display at all . In that case, only the Terms and the checkbox with "I agree to the Terms" will display without this extra statement. The help article below has what you need to know in order to use this feature.



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