Giving Enhancements!

Mike.Smith • January 14, 2020

We have recently introduced a number of improvements to contributions in TouchPoint that should help both donors and staff.

We have added a Giving Summary section on the Giving tab. Similar to the summary section on the Pledges tab, this presents a summary view of giving with totals per fund.

Above the Giving Summary section is a new filter that allows the user to select a year for the Giving Summary and Giving Detail sections. Options are also available for Year To Date, Previous and Current, and All Years. For staff who are viewing donors' Giving tabs, the selected filter option is retained for the session, from one record to the next.

The Summary and Details sections can now be collapsed and expanded, both on the Giving tab and the Pledges tab. For staff, this is also maintained for the session, from one record to the next.

The Edit Fund page has been redesigned to be more compact and easily accessible. Rather than a long vertical column of fields, as it once was and still will be on mobile devices, the layout takes advantage of the space available on full-sized screens.

Enhancements have also been made to Fund sort options. On the Fund Management page, a new Show List column now controls what funds appear on your giving pages. For each fund, you can specify:

  • Primary: to have the fund listed on the one-time giving page
  • Secondary: to have the fund included in the special funds drop down list on the one-time giving page
    (Primary and Secondary funds will be included in the drop down lists on the One Page Giving and the Manage Recurring Giving pages.)
  • None: to exclude the fund from the giving pages

The number in the fund’s Sort column (if any) will continue to determine the order in which funds are displayed on the giving pages. However, now the sort number will also determine how funds are displayed in the Summary sections of the Giving and Pledges tabs. In those sections, funds with sort numbers will be displayed first, in their sort order, followed by an alphabetical listing of any remaining funds. In addition, the sort number will determine how funds are displayed on contribution statements.

For Finance users, the Giving Detail section on the Giving tab now includes a menu button on individual contributions that contains a Bundle link. This immediately takes the user to the bundle containing that contribution. If the contribution entry is related to an online transaction, the menu button will also provide a link to the original transaction. This will reduce the steps necessary to investigate and to make adjustments to donor contributions.

If you prefer to see contributions and pledges under the same tab, you can now change the administration setting CombinedGivingSummary . When this setting is set to true , there is no Giving > Pledges tab. The Giving > Contributions tab will contain, in order, the sections:

  • Pledge Summary
  • Pledge Detail
  • Giving Summary
  • Giving Detail.

Our thanks to Highland Park United Methodist Church for sponsoring a portion of this project!


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