We are introducing a couple of improvements to people searches that will both speed up and simply those processes.
People searches that begin in context now start with a quick name search. This includes when you add:
The simplified dialog shown below will now be the initial search platform, with the option of switching to the previous, more advanced search dialog:
To search, enter all or parts of the first name, last name, or both. As with the Quick Search available on the top Search menu, up to six matching results will be displayed.
We have also made changes to the following searches to make them more intuitive:
Now when you enter all or part of a name, with no spaces before or after, the results will include any name that includes your entry in either the first or last name. If you intend to search by first names, include a space after your entry (as before). If you intend to search by last name only, include a space before your entry.
In summary, as is now shown in the on-screen help, you will have the following search options: