May/June Community Roundtables

Brian.Bishop • May 11, 2020

As we navigate this “next normal,” we want to ensure that our community of partner churches has the tools, resources, and best practices they need to continue to drive engagement and connection with their people.

We have scheduled the following dates and times for our next TouchPoint Roundtable discussions, hosted by TouchPoint team members. Join us as we discuss the following topics:

"Giving Made Easier: One Page Giving"

Date/Time: Thursday, May 14, 2020 / 2:00pm CDT

We’ll discuss: We’ll show off something that you might not know is ALREADY inside TouchPoint. This tool will help you eliminate roadblocks to giving, removing several hurdles on the congregants way to supporting their church.


"Digital Community: Small Group Finder and Online Connection Cards”

Date/Time: Thursday, May 21, 2020 / 2:00pm CDT

We’ll discuss: So many churches are using Registrations in creative and innovative ways during this time apart. From Connect/Decision Cards to Online Prayer Requests, we’ll look at user cases that will inspire. We’ll also take a look at our Small Group Finder tool and see how that may help new or reconnected believers continue their faith journey with your church.


“Maximizing Communication With Email and Twilio”

Date/Time: Thursday, May 28, 2020 / 1:00pm CDT

We’ll discuss: Deepening your connection with your people through subscriptions, linking your registrations for personalized engagement, and our new and improved Twilio integration.


“Contacts and Tasks Best Practices”

Date/Time: Thursday, June 4, 2020 / 2:00pm CDT

We’ll discuss: Getting the most out of your personal interactions with your congregation, and show how you can track, delegate, and manage tasks and contacts.

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