New Settings in Advance of Improved Online Giving

Mike.Smith • August 28, 2020

In case you missed the last new features webinar, we are close to releasing a new and improved version of online giving. To that end, you will start to see a few new settings, some of which are able to be used today and a few of which are in preparation for the new online giving functionality.

The first change you will see is related to the card types you allow for your various payment gateways. Note that you still need to set what you allow and don’t allow through your gateway management. These new settings on TouchPoint replace the current settings on the Settings Page and allow you more granular control per gateway (if your church uses multiple gateways).

The next change is a part of a new feature that will be released with the new giving functionality. This feature is related to allowing an end date being set on a specific fund. On the fund management page you will now see a column to “allow end date” per fund. You can go ahead and configure this for your funds but it will not take effect until the new giving pages are released and you turn them on for your church. 

There are some additional settings you’ll see on the settings page under contributions, and one for org registrations which we’ll talk about in a future post. 

Stay tuned for more on the giving project that will be releasing soon.


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