Now Supporting Multiple Merchant Accounts!

hayley.whitworth • March 5, 2021

If you are a multisite church, if you have a school or non-profit attached to your church, or if you run special events with other organizations, you might be particularly interested in this new feature. TouchPoint now offers the ability to run Giving and Online Registration payments through separate payment merchant accounts.

This feature is currently supported for churches using TransNational as the payment gateway. To turn this feature on, check the box on the Payment Gateway Setup page for “ UseProcessorId.

Your transactions will continue to process using your default gateway and processor unless you set a specific setting for one of the following:

  1. A Fund by adding the Merchant ID on the Edit Fund Page 
    Edit Fund Page
  2. An Involvement Registration by setting the Merchant  ID  on the Fees tab
  3. All Involvement Registrations for a specific Campus by setting the Merchant ID  on the Campus settings in the Lookup Codes

If you use this for Online Giving, it is recommended that you only have Funds that use the same MerchantID listed on a specific Giving Page so that if someone is making a gift to multiple Funds, they will process in the same transaction.

When setting up the new Processor/Merchant accounts with TransNational, both the ACH and Credit accounts should have the same name with the account used to process ACH payments appended with a “1” (example: credit - church, ACH - church1).


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