We’re excited to announce that PHASE I of the Finance enhancements in TouchPoint will be deployed tonight and will be live on your database tomorrow (Tuesday) morning! As a reminder this includes the following:
We recommend that you complete the following four actions tomorrow:
A few notable changes/enhancements that you might want to try out:
1. When someone sets up a registration that is accepting a payment, they can select the account description from an alphabetical list of names. This makes sure you capture the correct account for tracking purposes.
2. Balancing a batch is now super clear and easy.
3. Splitting an entry is now fewer steps and super easy. Enter the total check amount on the first fund and then enter the split on the second fund and the system will do the math for you.
4. Scanned bank checks now show a dropdown of people that have previously been attached to that bank’s account and routing number. Now all you need to do is select the correct person from the list.
5. You can now scan Non-contribution checks into TouchPoint for things like event payments and program income. These will not show on a person’s record or giving statement. You no longer need a separate process for recording these type of payments.
6. Pledge Reporting has new powerful filters and you can see how your pledges and giving compare to your goal with the new goal setting on a fund page.
7. Contribution Search filters have been simplified and we’ve reduced some of the redundant filters to make finding the contributions you are looking for even easier. More in coming to this page in Phase III.
8. The Totals By Fund report now shows all contribution types and allows you to select multiple options that you want to see in your reports. In Phase II, this will allow you to use this report to reconcile both giving and program income at the same time.
9. Online batches now show the payment type on the entry. In Phase II, these entries will be split into separate batches and organized by deposit dates.
10. Note: when searching for a donor by envelope number, the envelope number now must be at least 2 digits.
For additional information, please see the Finance FAQs, Contribution Workflow, Batch Type and Contribution Type, and Pledge Overview help articles.