Pledge Enhancements

December 19, 2022

We have added a new option to Pledging funds, titled Pledge Grouping. With this feature, you can have a fund to which pledges are made, but to which no contributions are ever made. Instead, on the fund, you can configure other funds that during the defined date range, will count toward fulfillment of that pledge fund.

The new
Pledge Grouping option has been added under the Edit Fund page which you will see at the bottom of the page when creating a pledge fund. When the Pledge Grouping box is checked, the additional menu items will appear:

  • Funds in Grouping
  • Pledge Grouping Start
  • Pledge Grouping End

There has also been an addition to registrations with a new Standard Question for “Pledge”. The Label will default as “Pledge Amount” and the Fund dropdown will only show active pledge funds. You will have the option to Require or Disable this question. The pledge will be created automatically in a bundle on the back end to the selected fund.

Please see the Pledges help article for additional information.

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