A few of our partner churches have recently notified us that their congregation received emails from someone impersonating their pastor. Be sure to read the following blog (re-posted from December) for information about ways to keep this from happening at your church.
Does your church have a policy/procedure for responding to account updates via email and/or phone?
We have had several churches recently report that church members have emailed various church staff asking them to update their account. At first glance, this appears to be a legitimate request, but several factors have tipped off the staff to know that it was indeed a scam.
You might be wondering, “how is this a scam?”
The first thing that is clear is that the person is emailing from a new email address. This email address might look legitimate. We’ve seen examples that follow this format – first.last@outlook.com. While it is possible that a scammer could be sending an email from a compromised account, it is not always the case. If it comes from a compromised account, it is often harder to prevent. If it is a brand-new email address, simply follow the recommendations below.
How does the scam work?
If an unsuspecting staff person updates the person’s record with the new email address, the scammer then resets the person’s password and logs into the church’s management software using the new email address. They then attempt to harvest any information about other church members and attendees (if possible). Because the user is logging in with legitimate credentials, there is often little we (your church management software) can do to prevent this. They then email fellow church goers and try to trick them into giving gift cards or donating to the church, where the link to the donation page is not a legitimate donation page.
You might be wondering “What can you do to prevent this?”
There are a few things we recommend:
3. Make sure that all users – both staff and lay leaders – have the appropriate access levels in TouchPoint where they only have access to the information they need.
4. Educate your staff and congregants on the risks of cyber threats. Here are a few key points that you can share with them:
5. Require all staff with admin or finance access to have 2 factor authentication enabled on their account. This adds an extra layer of protection for these users to further safeguard your most sensitive data.
Our Head of Product, Chris Dolan, recently led a virtual keynote session at a conference for Executive Pastors on Human Firewalls. You can check it out here to learn additional helpful tips.