TouchPoint Family & Friends,

Last month the TouchPoint team and our Partner Churches from around the U.S. headed down to Austin for our annual Summit! It is hard to express how grateful we are to have this opportunity to come together with you each year. It is truly a highlight. If couldn’t join us this year, we hope you can join us for TouchPoint Summit in September 2023 – we're going to Chicago!

This month, TouchPoint Giving launched and already being rolled out with a number of our Partner Churches. If you want to hear more, we’d love to talk!

Finally, temperatures are starting to fall, and we have begun to see glimmers of the upcoming holiday season. Make sure to check out some tips and tricks below to learn ways to make your holiday season a success with the help of TouchPoint!

1 Corinthians 2:9

Ross Miller

President and GM at TouchPoint

One Page Forms

Over time, we've heard your need for a simplified registration that includes the collection of contact information, answers to questions, and payment all in ONE PAGE! Well, that dream is now a reality with the One Page Forms registration type!

Upcoming Webinar

Oct. 27th - 2pm Central

Save the Date for this month's

What's The Point!

Webinar Replay

September 2022

New Features


In TouchPoint, church staff can determine if they want a Mobile Directory to be enabled, and churchgoers can specify what they want to reveal.

XPastor Workshop

See Chris: October 27

See Morgan: October 28

Mike Smith

Client Account Manager

Denver, CO

At TouchPoint for 4.5 Years

Tell us about yourself.

I grew up in Oklahoma and spent most of my adult life in Minnesota. I’ve been married for 44 years to my wife Becky, with whom I have two children – daughter, Sarah, and son, Phil. 


In a series of events that still amaze us, shortly after I started work for TouchPoint, our daughter took a job in Denver where our son was already living. So, naturally, Becky and I followed the kids and five grandkids so we could all be together and are loving every minute of it.


My career has been almost a 50/50 mix of tech industry and church ministry, which makes my work at TouchPoint a very comfortable fit. I enjoy helping others and am energized by focused attention to a project.

FAQ (Five Answered Quickly!)


  • Listening to any podcasts? Lately I’ve been listening to BibleProject podcasts. For several years I have used their explainer videos in Bible classes. This year, they began a Journey through Scripture, focusing in 2022 on the Pentateuch.


  • How do you start your day? I’m the breakfast chef in the family. I start my day at around 5:15 AM. After making and eating breakfast, I sit down with a cup of coffee for my daily Bible reading before jumping into the work day.


  • If you could, who would you spend a day with, living or dead? I will self-impose the rule that I can’t select Jesus or any other biblical character. (Spending a day with Jesus would be intimidating, but undoubtedly life-changing.) So, apart from a biblical personality, I think I would say C.S. Lewis. He is close enough to my culture and time—and language—that I think I could learn from him, especially since he had such a wonderful way of expressing difficult concepts in terms we ordinary folks can understand.


  • What’s your biggest achievement to date -- personal or professional? My family. From the beginning of my time with Becky, I resolved to never leave her in any doubt that I cherish her and that she has my full devotion. I invested myself in my children also, as has Becky. And now, we are enjoying the harvest of a rich relationship with each other and wonderful friendships with our daughter and son.


  • What might someone be surprised to know about you? I guess I’ll go with a bit of trivia here. While in high school, I appeared in several episodes of a TV series. That’s not quite as impressive, though, as it might sound at first. It was a game show put on by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol called “Learn and Live” – basically a quiz show on the state driver’s manual. Super riveting stuff!
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