If you couldn't catch us live, check out October's What's the Point Webinar below! We Hope you gained some helpful giving tips as well as had the opportunity to learn more about TouchPoint Giving. If you're just now tuning in and didn't have the chance to answer our Zoom poll, but would like to be contacted to learn more about TouchPoint Giving, click this link to set up some time to speak with our TouchPoint Giving expert!
Watch our recorded webinar below to learn more:
Below are some TouchPoint Giving FAQs:
Q: Will I have to move to TouchPoint Giving?
A: No! You are welcome to stay with your current provider, but you may find that TouchPoint Giving will be a better solution for you.
Q: How do I learn about pricing?
A: Erik would be happy to connect with you to let your church know what they can expect to pay with TouchPoint Giving.
Q: Can I use these new reporting dashboards?
A: The new dashboards (coming soon) will be exclusive tools for churches that use TouchPoint Giving.