As promised, here is yet another new feature we added to online registrations relating to extra fees. This one is a checkbox that lets you decide if you want the family maximum to apply to extra fees or if those should be added to the maximum.
Family Camping Trip has a base fee of $25 per person , but also has other activity options with additional fees which can bump the per person cost up by another 5-10 dollars, depending on the options chosen. You want to offer a family maximum of $100 , regardless of which options the family members choose. In other words, you do not want the extra fees added on top of the maximum .
Now you can have it work that way! Just check the box Apply Max to Other Fees . If you want the extra fees to be over and above the family maximum, just leave the box unchecked.
This is on the Settings>Fees tab of the Organization. Click HERE to read about Fee Settings.