Enrollment Control Report - New Options

Leah.Davenport • May 14, 2013

Not only have we added a couple of new options , you will also notice that the Enrollment Control Report has moved . It is now included in the Exports and Reports drop down on the Organization Search page. We did not move it just to keep you on your toes. We moved it in order to add a couple of new options.

The default Enrollment Control Report is the same PDF as always. You just generate it from a different location. Select the Program/Division/Schedule on the Organization Search page and then select the report from the Exports and Reports drop down menu.

After you select the report, you will be presented with a pop up box offering the two new options, as in the image below. Click Run with nothing selected to run the PDF report.

However, you can select the Excel Export if you prefer that to the PDF report.

The other option - Filter by  Active Tag - is really why we made this change. We wanted to be able to run the Enrollment Control Report for only a selected set of people (a Tag) who are in the Program, and then be able to sort the list by the Organization (selecting Excel Export).

Click HERE to read more and to see our use case for these new options. This may be just what you need!


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