Mission Trip Support Link - in Member Dialog

Leah.Davenport • January 21, 2015

We have recently been adding more and more functionality inside a person's Member Dialog for an Organization. You can do all sorts of things right from that box.

Now, we have added one more thing. It is a Support Link that can be copied and emailed to someone that would like to make an online donation to help a person that is going on a mission trip.

Several factors must be in place in order to use this link: 1) a person going on the trip must be enrolled in the organization; 2) the organization must be set up as a Mission Trip type of online registration; 3) the organization should have a fee associated with it.

If you are familiar with our Mission Trip features, you know that those going on a trip can, from TouchPoint, email potential supporters. That email contains a different type of support link. If the supporter is in your database and they use a link emailed to them using that method, they do not need to find their people record.

This new Support Link is designed when someone does not receive one of these emails (or has deleted it) and wants to support someone going on the trip. We put this in the Member Dialog to make it very easy for a staff member to send a link.

By the way, just like with any support link, the donor can choose to also make a general donation to the trip. That is one that is not applied to a specific person's balance.

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