New Streamlined Registration for New Records

Leah.Davenport • June 24, 2015

You probably did not notice this, unless you were testing a registration; but over the weekend, we published a new version of online registration. While this has some new features which we will list below, the biggest change will be noticed by those registering whose records are not found in the database.

easybuttonPreviously, we would display a message that your record was not found, and ask the person to verify their information and try again or go ahead and create a new record. Now, if the record is not found, we just ask for the necessary information as a seamless part of the registration. We never mention that we could not find a record or give them an opportunity to try again.

We did this in order to, as they say, lower the barrier. In other words, we want registration, and that includes online giving, to be as simple and easy as possible. We think our TouchPoint online registrations are just that - simple and easy for the registrant.

What about the new features I mentioned? There are several new checkboxes on the Registration > Registration tab of an organization:

  • Disallow Anonymous - only people already in the database with a user account can register and must log in to do so
  • Timeout - allows you to enter the length of time (in milliseconds) that you want to allow people to work on the registration before it times out. This will over-ride the default of 3 minutes or the global OnlineRegTimeout settings in Administration > Settings.
  • Allow Save Progress - while this setting is not new, if this is checked we are now automatically saving the progress behind the scenes every 30 seconds.
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