Allow Save Progress Notification Email

Leah.Davenport • June 29, 2015

System Admins-

In our last post, we mentioned a relatively new setting for online registrations - Allow Save Progress. The use case for this is for registrations that have lengthy forms, or those that request information that a person might not have readily available. You don't want registrants to be required to start over if they can't complete the registration right then.

If registrants choose to Save Progress, Finish Later, they will receive an email containing a link, so they can return and complete their registration. The system has a default email, but you can tweak it, if you want.

Below is what the default email looks like:

 Below is what the HTML File looks like in Special Content:

This uses a special email replacement code. Notice that the brackets and curly braces do not appear in the actual email.

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