More? Yes, More SQL Reports for Finance

Leah.Davenport • April 13, 2016

2016-04-13_10-22-40Let's pick up where we left off. In our last post, we told you about several new search Conditions and about a new SQL Report. Today, we have more  SQL Reports that your admin user can add to your database.

These 3 reports are designed to be used by your Finance administrators as evaluation tools. All of the reports look at what we call giving units. A giving unit is a family in which someone is making contributions - whether the family consists of 1 person or 6 people. Each family is one 'giving unit'. So, if anyone in the family has given during the time frame, the individual is counted as giving for the purpose of these reports.

Org Givers and Org Percent Giving are 2 of these new reports that have recipes in the documentation. Both can be added to the Blue Toolbar that is on the Organization > Search / Manage page. Why that toolbar? Because these reports look at giving in the context of enrollment in an organization. You filter for the organizations, then select the report.

Org Givers will list class members (for whatever classes you have in your filtered list) and an indicator of whether or not that individual (or anyone in the family) has made any contributions in the past 365 days.

Org Percent Giving is a list of classes you have selected and the percent of its members who have given in the past 365 days.

Giving Units 365  is yet another SQL Report that you can add to your main Reports Menu. This will return all giving units in your database (one line per family) with a column for contributions and another for pledges looking back for the past 365 days. This looks for any giving / pledges within the 365 day period, regardless of the amount.

All of these reports can be added to the appropriate menu and all can be downloaded as Excel after running the report.

NOTE: As with all reports the relate to contributions, only a Finance user will be able to see these on the menu and be able to run them. The admin user creates them; the Finance user runs them.

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