When you create the Email Confirmation for an online registration, you should probably always include the email replacement code {details} , especially if the person had several options from which to choose and if there was a fee. You want to confirm their selections and give them a receipt for their payment. I'm sure most of you already do this.
We recently made a change to how the fees are displayed in the confirmation (registration details section), as well as to the staff notification email. Now you will see a column for Coupon and any amount that was paid using a Coupon during that transaction. If someone uses a Coupon for less than the Deposit or the Total (whichever option they chose), they must pay the remainder of that amount online. So, their confirmation will indicate the total amount credited toward the fee, and which part of the was from the Coupon.
The staff notification email has the same information in it. This lets the staff member know that someone has used a coupon and for what amount.
Not only do we now break the payment down to indicate the use of a Coupon, we also show that information on the person's Member Dialog .
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