Our 'recipe book' for SQL and Python reports just keeps giteming. We just added a new recipe for a SQL report that lists all the organizations in your database that have a Parent Child relationship. You also have the option to download the report to Excel after running it.
I added this new report to our church database and also added it to the Reports Menu, so it is available from the Reports header. The report must be created by an Admin user, but it can be put on the Menu (in Special Content > Text > Custom Reports Menu) so other users at your church can run it.
Remembering all of these of orgs can be difficult, but with this new report, you don't have to rely on your memory. The report lists all Parent orgs with their Child orgs next to them - one item per org.
Like all of our reports, the org ID # is a link to take you to the org itself. That is just one reason I love this type of report so much more that reports that you have to print!
Read more... about the recipe for this report.
If you are not familiar with Parent Child Orgs, you may want to read about those first. They are quite useful.
Read more... about Parent Child Orgs.