Big Improvements to Manage Org Members Page

Leah.Davenport • May 31, 2016

Just in time for Promotion or for managing Vacation Bible School , we have just rolled out a new version of the Manage Organization Members page. This page is what most churches use for their yearly promotion and also the page used to move registrants into smaller classes from an online registration for VBS or any other large event.

I'll summarize the main changes:

  • Target Division - so you can now select a Target Org that is in a different Division from the Source Division.
  • A drop down menu for Grades , allowing you to select one or more Grades to filter for members.
  • Age filter that allows you to enter a single age, an age range, or even symbols for greater than/less than and equal to specify just the ages you want included.
  • Sub-Group drop down menu based on any sub-groups in the organizations.
  • Change Member Type when moving. This is useful if you have potential volunteers register online and then you move them to a specific volunteer org. You can set their Member Type to VIP or Volunteer at the same time.

You will want to read more about how to use  Manage Org Members and Manage Org Members for Promotion Also, take a look at this video demonstrating Promotion using this management page.


Read more about Manage Organization Members.

Once again, we have our friends Heath and Nathan from one of our TouchPoint churches to thank for this contribution to the open source project. You guys are awesome! Thank you so much!

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