This is a reminder that you can run searches to find those who are using their credit cards for managed/recurring
giving. You can add to that search another condition to find those whose credit card is going to expire soon
This is not new, but it's one of those things that bears repeating - both as a reminder for long-time clients as well as a 'did you know' item for newer clients.
By saving a search like this and running it each month, you can help your donors by alerting them to the fact that the credit card they are using for recurring giving is going to expire soon. Give them brief instructions on how to go to their own record Giving > Statements tab and click Manage Recurring Giving. Then they will re-enter all of their credit card information again making sure to change the expiration date.
You can run the search for expiration dates for anyone in your database that has saved their credit card information, whether or not it is for managed giving. Then you could send a nice email reminding them to update their credit card before they need to register online for anything.