We are quite often asked if a child can be in more than one family so that Check-In is easy for both parents. The answer to that is "No". However, we do have several ways to make Check-In easy for parents (both custodial and non-custodial), grand-parents, and other family members that bring children to church.
This Ad Hoc Extra Value is placed on a child's record and the value is the People ID number of the non-custodial parent. So, if the child lives with Mom and is in her family in the TouchPoint database, use Dad's People ID# as the value of the Parent Extra Value. This will cause emails sent to the child's parents to go to the Dad as well as the Mom. Read more...
If you want the Dad to be able to use his phone number when checking in his child (that is in the Mom's family), use the Parent Extra Value and the setting below.
Add this setting to your database, with the value set to "true". Then any parent whose child has their PID# as the Parent Extra Value on his record will be able to enter his phone number (not the Mom's) and that child will display with his family. Read more...
TouchPoint also has a PIN# that can be added to the record of anyone in a family. This PIN# can be given to those who frequently being a child to church. That could be a grandparent, aunt or uncle, or even a neighbor. These people may not remember the child's phone number, but they could remember an easy PIN# that they can use to check-in any child in the family. Read more...
If you are not currently using TouchPoint's PC or Mobile Check-In you should check it out. Read more...