The use case for this was to find adults that did not attend a specific worship service in which the church's newsletter was handed out. Then the church could mail the newsletter to the families who did not receive it during the service.
The Condition asks for a number of lookback days and a Program, Division, Organization (either 1,2 or all 3) . When using this Condition in the negative (i.e. = false), and specifying the worship organization, you would add the Condition Is Member Of and specify that same worship org. This will return those adults that are enrolled in the worship org, but who did not attend in the number of lookback days. You can also add Is Head of Household to reduce the results to just one Primary Adult in each family.
You can also use this Condition to find adults that did attend a specific Program, such as Life Groups. Use your imagination and see how you might use this new Search Builder Condition.