Contribution Statements and Electronic Only Option

Leah.Davenport • January 5, 2018

It's about that time! Time to send out your  annual contribution statements . What about the Electronic Statements Only flag? Good question!

If you do not mail statements to those donors whose Electronic Statements Only flag is set, then you will run a search to find those people using the Condition Wants Electronic Statement equals true . And all you do is simply send them an email reminding them how to log on and get their statements from their  Giving tab.

For those that still prefer a paper statement, check the box Exclude Electronic Only when you generate the statements.

Remember, TouchPoint's statements are designed to fit in a number 9 window envelope , with either single or double windows . You just fold, stuff, and mail them! Also, we generate all statements for the same family together, so you can look at the page count to know when you come to the next family. For example: You will see page 4 of 4 on the last page for a family with 4 pages of statements.

PS   If this is your first time to send statements via TouchPoint make sure you have set up the Statement Header (return address) and the Statement Notice (disclaimer)  in your database. All you do is revise the sample data that is already there.

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